The October weekend in Sydney is a cue for the members of the Transport Heritage Museum to lock into top gear with its Transport Heritage Expo - a chance for Sydneysiders to get face to face with a range of iconic modes of transport, including static and moving steam trains, maritime cruises on the Waratah or the Lady Hopetoun, historic passenger carriages, 1920s rail motor cars, red rattlers, double decker buses and more. Here are a few of Natalie's records of the day...
As usual I packed my 400-800mm Olympus lens along for the shoot - and it was this lens that allowed me to snap a lot of images that I could never had recorded if I'd been using a standard 24-80mm type lens. Because there were a lot of people milling around, especially around the steam locos, it was hard to get a clear shot. However, because of its very narrow angle of view, a long telephoto lens can work for you in a location like Central Station. I was able to stand 50 feet from the rest of the throng and get some shots with just the hardware visible and none of the spectators - but of course, it's a disaster if you are trying to snap indoors, especially the interior of a railway carriage.