I love taking pictures of animals, wild or domesticated - sometimes good results are too hard to achieve because you don't know the local conditions wherever you might be visiting - or it's the wrong time of day, month or year for the best shots. To this end I also like checking out the local wildlife parks - which feature a mostly captive audience. On a recent trip down the south coast (as far as Broulee), we decided to give Birdland a go.

This 7 hectare wildlife park is located on the shoreline between Bateman's Bay and Batehaven. Tripadvisor reviews that I read were mostly negative - the place was 'run down', 'very wet and muddy paths' between exhibits, etc. Interestingly on Google maps the park is barely visible as it's almost entirely covered by trees. Not a bad thing if you are sheltering hundreds of wild animals and birds (or intend to wander about in the heat of the day). It's $26 for an adult entry ticket so we thought we'd give it a go.
We arrived at 10:30 and were probably only the third or fourth visitors on that day - and the only ones not dragging two-year old kids around in a pram. One review I read complained that there were 'too many peacocks and not enough other animals'. Not sure what planet they were from. Yes, there were a lot of peacocks in the park - we counted more than 20 peacocks, but only a couple of females ('peahens') but we still appreciated their amazing plumage and raucous calls, plus they provided some great photo opportunities. Who doesn't like peacocks?