One of everyone's favourite birds - because of their intense colour and their amazing agility to pick out food (usually fish) at great speed and, usually, with great accuracy. For the first time we witnessed Pied Kingfishers searching for prey by hovering, just like a kestrel might hover, before dropping with amazing speed into the reeds or water - wherever the meal was hiding. We watched this many times and never actually saw the bird catch anything. To be fair they might have already swallowed whatever it was they pounced on but there was no other sign that the hunt had been successful.

I read that in the Chobe Region of Botswana nine different Kingfisher species have been recorded. We saw five, which I think was good going for a four day visit.
Boat trips along the Chobe River not only promise a huge range of bird and animal species endemic to the region, but also, because you are mostly in a small boat, you can get so much closer to the action than if travelling in an open-topped Land Cruiser. While our expert ranger cruised along both the Namibian and the Botswanan sides of the Chobe River, those staying in game lodges within the huge 11,700 square kilometre Chobe National Park are limited to, mostly, driving on trails that don't get close to the edge of the river. We saw a wide range of bird and animal life that, had we been in a Cruiser, we would never even have been aware of.
